Untold Talks


"A jealous close friend is worse than a hidden enemy."

The story is of two best friends, Samarth and Sanjay. Samarth was elder than sanjay and lost his family in an accident, when he was 5 years old. Even no one in his relatives came forward to took his responsibilities.

He managed all his needs by himself. He work as an labour at night and manage to go school in day time, as his mother wants to see him on heights.

 Whereas, sanjay was the boy from a well to do family but has lost his father as he was a kid. His mother was a famed business tycoon. As a child , sanjay love to live a simple life than the luxurious life,also all his upbringing was handled by nanny.

Samarth and Sanjay were studying in the same school and became best friends. Samarth was very interested in studies and always came first in the class, whereas sanjay too was a smart kid but could not beat samarth and always secured second position.As kids, this think was not of much worries...,and this cycle continued till they grew up.

But as its said that as the person grew up,a lot of negative thoughts too build up in his mind.
Time was running out slowly.

One day, when samarth was standing with his friends ,sanjay joined the group and said this time he is going to beat samarth and will come first, everyone standing there started making fun of sanjay, as it has not been happened from past 18 years....

But Samarth encouraged him and said yes ,why not?? . I will be the happiest one even after getting beated by you. you should go for it.

But, sanjay felt really bad about that and went away from there.
Now, he slowly starts getting jealous of samarth.

Also here the new chapter of love started, Samarth fall in love with one of his college friend, he shared all his feelings with his friend sanjay, but the twist was sanjay also liked that girl, so he started making plan to humiliate samarth infront of that girl, he started questioning his abilities and sacarments, but samarth never took it seriously, but since the girl too liked samarth so all the sanjay’s efforts in vain.

Now slowly slowly this jealousy was turning into anger. He stopped merging much with samarth and meets enemies of him and traped him in a police case.

At first, Samarth tries his best to oppose and fight againt this, but when he comes to know that all this was done by his friend he avoided everthing and thought to go to a place where no one knows him.

Now sanjay was too happy as he has removed the thorn his path. And tried impressing her girlfriend and to take the place of samarth.

After few years, when samarth return back, he was a successful person and was on very good position. He met his friend sanjay again, forgetting all about the past. Though sanjay too was in a good position, but still a step down from samarth and he again felt jealous of samarth.

And now again, he started using chess pieces to humiliate him. He start spreading rumors about samarth and his love, which he could not tolerate.
Even, he conspired to get samarth killed.
But as soon as the samarth came to know about all this,he encounters him in self defence.

And in the last when sanjay was counting his last breath, Samarth tell him that, “I can tolerate your jealousy, but you will fall so down to kill someone, I can't tolerate this."
And then finally, he fulfils sanjay's wish of coming first, “To death first."

"Its good to be jealous ,as it helps to conquer many of our achievements which we cant get in normal phase, but forgetting our sacraments or thinking evil or make other humiliate just because to satisfy your lusty or jealousy behaviour is not a sign of good personalities, And It has to be paid."

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~Jai Hind~

Untold talks
Love feelings
Kuch Kahi Unkahi Dil ki Baatein

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