Untold Talks

Its well said

"A dream doesnt become reality through magic , it takes sweat ,determination  and hard work".

It is  a story of a girl who proved herself in negative situations .

One day in covid situation , she came to me to learn drill . At the very begining there were 20-30 girls learning ,as tym passed , the training became harder and the no. Of cadets decreased. But she was in weak cadets . She was strong in studies and every tym she was told that she cant  do anything in ground . So she should leave this and further prsue her studies

But she worked hard because this was not an acceptable statement for her that she cant do something like physical work ,just because she is good in studies

So she started working hard.

After some time, the time for selction came .but due to some reasons,the hard wrking cadets left behind and they couldnt attend the camp.

At that tym everyone lost hope . On seeing this their ustaad got tensed. He promised his cadets that they will definately march on rajpath .he said he will make his cadets that much capable that they dont have to beg for vacancies

They all worked hard as a team and in a month , a new camp pre-rdc started.they had to face many difficulties even after they had skill . They had to  undergo several selctions from college to unit . In which they had to compete with their senior too

But proudly the won that battle and got  vacancies. 

Everything was going smooth bt we know god tests persons before giving them success . On the day she went to camp (20 nov. 2021). There was a formality of test for covid and she came positive . So she has to leave the camp,according to rules she couldnt attend the camp.

The girl who was having a mind set she has to march there, and will come back home after rdc,was going home the same day she entered but her parents and seniors supported her.

She was broken after this . Everything was looking like it was an end . All her  2 to 3 month efforts were moving to vain . But we know "hardwrk beats  talent, talent doesnt work hard."

But her teacher handled the situation and saved her from getting demotivated

And told her that she will come back with bang .at the momnt when she lost her intrest in RD he was the  single person who didnt let her down who keep her and told her that what she can do.that was a tym she started staying  alone . Just beacuse of that rapid report  she isolated herself but the fact was she was bit depressed . But her seniors of ground  kept motivating her.even when her reports were positive . They called her to ground for practice as they were sure she will get a  chance. Everyone in the ground kept by her side

After few days on 25 nov. She got the 2nd chance to attend that camp. But there was again a condition vacanacy was only one but cadets were 5

But luckily she got  chance ,her skills gave her that opportunity  to attend . But after reaching there  they denied  the thing . They  said they have no need of more girls and there will be no second phase for rdc slection.

She kept fighting for one trail from morning to the end and  finally she got a chance to prove her self and from 6 -7 girls  she  was  single girl  who was selcted . But she had to undergo same  rapid  covid  test next day  to attend   the camp. And till that morning she was tensed about that  test and in the morning her  reports  came negative and her training started.

But as we all know when god start testing someone its beyond limits.

Every steps that you take , it is a test that god has prepared  for a greater miracle in your life 

"Sometimes god has another plan ,that's  better but sometimes God  is just testing you.."so keep praying and fighting.

These were some of the motivating quotes by her seniors that made her reach rdc that day.

But as I told you earlier test never ends. Her documents were not complete . Then she asked her friends to hlp her outbut everyone gave an excuse for it.At the end  she was hopeless and was ready to leave.

At that tym, Rohit sir and Pankaj sir  who were actually doing the duty of senior  came to know about it and helped her out  and travelled 16 km to gave her  one document however that was not their headache.

Also its well said .the one who has worked hard one someone,can never see them down.

Same was the case with her.

As her practice started she came to know about thing which again started demotivating her.

But one positive thing about it , was she used to talk to her sir about all happening in the camp. He assured her not to worry . She is going to rd  he motivated her in every possible way.

he was not only a drill instructor  for her but also best guide for every situation .

At the end day, when almost every thing was going smooth again same document  issue came in front of her . And  as usual her actual seniors were unable to do that job properly. They forgot and for the next tym same thing happend.

But this time ground seniors cannt tolerate it . So they again took the responsiblity and send those documents to her and finally she went to rdc . Even after that she was tensed about her rajpath selction and the day she marched on it , she felt  that feeling , that proud.

The thing to learn from the story is the life is  full of challenges . We must gave courage to face them. Thats  why the tittle of the story is never give up.

Many problems come in front of you when you start moving towards success and even your own friends begin to comes in the way . So at that tym you have to be strong. Because we all are not that much lucky to have that  that person in life to motivate us 

 So always do best for urself because its well said 

" Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment "

 One more lesson of this story is if you are honest towards your work , god do everything for u to be succesful

Cheat krke hra skte ho ,

Compete krke nhi🔥

Mehnat di pthhi ch khud nu tapauna painda ae ,chnga tym aunda ni jnab ,

Le aauna painda ae

Jai hind

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Team UT (Untold Talks) 

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