Untold Talks


This is the story of girl named Shreya Jamwal , there are many who knows her as RDC2022 holder . But few knows how much she cried and worked for months. This is story of Shreya Jamwal for all those, who are told to stay back and mocked for there (can be he / she) weight or height.

Back in 2019 she enrolled into Naval NCC, because of her love for Indian Navy, and her skill (swimmer). She had to wait for a year to attend RDC and NSC as only 2nd and 3rd year cadets are eligible for both. She still got no chills, she used to practice stretching at home and gathered information on drill and practice on her own…

Then, at that time her super seniors (3rd years cadets) told her that she was not fit for RDC and NSC. But she as we know, didn’t listened to them, she said that she wants to learn drill… but they time and again demotivated her as she try to progress. The reason was simple, they didn’t have right eyes to see her high sprit and dedication… for them she was just a girl with 5 feet height and weight more than others. But as said ‘WHEN GOD CLOSE ONE DOOR, GOD OPEN ANOTHER DOOR’, one of her Senior saw her dedication and taught her as much basics as she can…

Shreya practiced hard but due to covid pandemic NSC cancelled and RDC was at same risk. But she worked for it, she was all prepared to RDC in November 2020 but she unfortunately had to back off due to her personal incident…

Time passed now it was 2021, she was in 3rd year now, again NSC cancelled due to pandemic. She worked hard at her home. She taught her juniors; she came earlier at 8 a.m. to teach her juniors (before college closed). As she was in last year, as many she did not got demotivated.

And then… her senior told about one person, who can make her rock hard for RDC... she with her juniors approaches him, but because of some incident he did not put more faith into them..

It was hot sweating summer’s…when she reached to ground , Sir saw her and taught her some basics to match and coordinate with rest.. he said “ are you in 3rd year ? this what you will teach your juniors ”… she was in pain , stumping her foot on ground louder…she was on her fast ( she is devote of MAHADEVA ).. then she almost fainted … she sat down to rest…she saw others working hard.. she stood again and practiced…

As time passes … he taught her drill and she worked day and night … in pain she cried and laughed with her mates …she tanned with sweat 

But , her journey of hard work did not end her …her weight and height was still a wall in between her dream…

He told her to work on her weight or her dream will remain dream….she used to wear wind shitter with double layers of clothes in 30 to 40 degree temperature… with big tire of truck attached to her waist…and she… running and running with her head down…she colored red and all sweating tired to hell because of 100 rounds of ground…but one thing that did not got tired …was her dedication ! After her rounds , she practiced drill…anddd after getting home at 4 pm. To 5pm. She used to teach children tuitions….shee wass and is just full of energy…

And one day sir punished everyone to complete 100 rounds of ground , 50 rounds of stumping march with swing and 50 rounds of style march with swing…she was in pain because her underarm was injured because of over swing….she cried a lot…and still practiced.

And in October , notification came for camp in JAKLI , SRINAGAR …and written that from here the cadets will be selected for PRE RDC . There everyone saw her drill and acknowledged her …but one day Instructor told her that although she have drill but her height and weight was issue…She came back and practiced more on her weight..

And finally , she came there to PRE RDC , she got selected initially but controversies begins to air in Nagrota….everything was fine. She was in front line in INTER- GROUP COMPETITION…everyone praised her drill…next day was the selection day ….

And She went for her trials.. she was rejected and sent to 2nd trial…she was still holding her breath…she was given another trial…she went for it…she was rejected.

She was sad and cried …her hard work .. all she went from…she was seeing all flashbacks…
And her batchmate , who got selected without and hard work.. was very happy…she and her other buddy .Shreya was searching ways to approach for trials again…she was in conversation with ANO and there came the a officer…they told him to give her a chance and that selection was not fair …he said her to come next day for trial…

She was happy and told her buddies…but eventually they found that officer was not so serious of his words… she was again demotivated.

She with her other buddies tried to approach for trails again…but other officer mocked her and others saying “ WE HAVE BEST OUT OF BEST OVER THERE ( showing his so- called selected cadets ) ” …they said let them have trail…

He was rude and made his mind reject everyone…he command them to march and then piche murch …this for about 20 to 30 min continuously…he demotivated everyone with his words …he then said them to stand for trails…he commanded ucha kadam ucha thal …tired them…then she command them to start marching for trail…he told them “ YOUR ARE NOT DIGGING ” , “YOUR SWING IS DOWN ” he did not let them breathe…and he rejected …only 2 got selected… Luckily Shreya was one ofv two…

She was in reservation…and after another selection, she was in. 

Then, came day for selection of RAJPATH SELECTION... As she was not in preference list of other officer…she gave trail with rest squad ..and she stood different and was selected for RAJPATH ..but other officer said HIS FIRST PREFERENCE WILL BE OTHER GIRL ( just one who can’t even march for more than 10 mins ) AND THEN SHREYA WILL BE HER SECOND PREFERENCE... 

They packed for DELHI FOR RDC 2022…
she saw a lot of struggle and hardship and yet stood strong irrespective of her short height… Her dedication to work hard did not changed…

Now ,
 she is in Delhi attending RDC ..waking up at early as usual and forcing others to wake up ..so they don’t get late to get ready. In chilled morning , not only she wake up early but even bath daily ( not so NCC things ).
And now what ?? 
watch her on TV at 26 JANUARY, 2022 walking on Rajpath as main commander ( yes, she created history)
She is only naval Rajpath from JK&L DRT. And she created history …as she is first naval cadet of JK&L to lead as Main commander on Rajpath during RDC.


And this was her journey in short, any boy or girl can be Shreya , if she / he believe to never give up TO DO HARDEST WORK, ON THEIR DREAMS!