"1600 meters" is not only a numerical shape or measurement ....it holds one's  breath, one's dream and one's life as well..


This story is about a boy from a poor family... although his family was not born poor.., but the boy's father was betrayed by his own cousins and relatives who took everything from them and made their livelihood worse..

As all had happened the boy's father had gone into depression, as in that everything a tractor was also involved which was very much loved and admired by the boy's father...and he was driving that tractor from his childhood..

Even the boy's father use to says that," His tractor is his life"

A few months later, the boy's father died...
The condition of the family became more worse.. 
Now the boy started working to complete his studies..,he use to pick garbage and work as a sweeper ,like this he managed to complete his secondary education.

Now he thought of improving his family condition and for this purpose some target must be set.,the only option he found was army...he started preparing himself for this and set 1600 meters as his only target. 

The boy now started practising ,whole day he use to pick and sweep garbage and manage to earn 100 rupees from which he manage food for him and his mother.
The days were passed..,the same procedure was followed by the boy..

Even after practising when the boy was not selected in rally,he lost all his hope and dropped his 1600 meters target.. 

As one day, losing all his expectations, he sees his mother,who was paralyzed and made his mind to do whatever he could just to give her mother a better life and to full fill his father's last and the only wish that his father whispered to him..,i.e. to brought back everything they had lost especially their tractor.

Now again he started challenging his failures and set back the target of 1600 meters..,without seeing day and night he worked hard..,used to run tying a tyre..,the only thing in his brain was,"He just had to do something for his mother".

Though the fruit of his success took time to ripen, but at last he find it out on his own..,he achieved his 1600 meters target. On that day he himself was not knowing he is the fastest than all others...

After getting the job ,the very first thing he does was bought everything back that they lost...especially their tractor that means a lot to his father..

He can't forget this 1600 meters, this 1600 meters will always be remembered by him as it has given everything back to him, but at same he feel regret that he could not bring his father back to see all this.

Finally, the boy proved the fact," It's not the distance you conquer in running..,

In this era,where to achieve any target ,a person follows perfect diet plans, a high proffesioned coach..the boy fighting with all his hunger achieved it..
Its only his desires who make him to do soo...and finally he improved his and his mother life and fulfilled his father's only wish..

Jai hind

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