Untold Talks

This is a short Story based on Twins Brothers who struggled to achieve their goals

"The Defaulter Brothers"
   Written by Bakshi
Editing: Shelli, Thapa, S.K

This story is about twins brother known to be a defaulters .the story begin with the birth of these two brothers with the time difference of 5 minutes. These two defaulters were named as Neeraj Sharma and Anil Sharma. Neeraj Sharma is elder than Anil Sharma. This difference of 5 mint started to till their success.

They were rowdy and bawdy by nature since childhood. As time pass their family shifted from kaneheri toh Akhnoor and they continued their further study in chandar bhaga high school in 6th standard .One day  tied up  a baby monkey the a rope  and started teasing the baby monkey ,but they did all this for their entertainment
They used to do many naughty stuff like this. But as  time passes  they  take studies  serious ....Anil was the topper in +2 standard and neeraj become a second topper. After  that they entered in yo  college life. They enjoyed their new life prominently. They joined NCC in college but after 2 year  both the anil decided to be a part of RDC (Republic day camp) in Delhi ...

But Neeraj wouldn't went for RDC because of his written examination for army. Anil went  to his senior and request him to train them and prepare for RDC camp... Anil get started with their basic training, with in 16 day to the RDC, he started from the beginning because he didn't walk properly in drill..... But with effort and dedication of his trainer (ustad) Anil got selected for RAJPATH. Anil was actually serving his beloved India. After RDC Anil become the first student of GDC Akhnoor to be a part of prade and Marched on Rajpath Delhi and the become a SUO. When he came back he suffer from physical issue. He came to know that he has stone in his kidney which make him suffer. In order get rid from his problem he used  to drink beer on daily in a routine. They had an Indian  army recruitment in samba. No one was expecting that anil will cover running within time. Everyone was hoping from Neeraj because he is good in sports and athletic .By luck Anil was the last one to be selecting in his group. After running Anil fainted  on ground because of weakness due to stone  . The team members of Indian Army recruitment duty Soldiers checked him that either he consumed drinks and drugs but he didn't. They both selected in medical and then both come back and join college life simply.


 Anil got started his further study but Neeraj went to RDC and he also got selected in RAJPATH .  He believes in himself because he fit in all the recruitment. After the selection of both the brother they join their time with family and friends to spend some time, whenever someone ask them how they completed their recruitment, they always answered that they consume  alcohol  before selection. Hard work is only key to success both the brother face alot to achieve their goal.

Yet we've discussed only about Neeraj and Anil and their success. But behind these boys sucess  there is efforts and struggle of their elder brothers Manjeet Sharma and Pankaj Sharma. The elder  brother is Manjeet Sharma who sacrificed his own dreams for their  brothers. He didn't want his brothers to be a part of bad companies. He always asked them not to indulge in bad habits. He always supported them alot to achieve their achievements.
      Pankaj Sharma is another elder brother . He was a defaulters too but by Manjeet he also been a successful men. Manjeet appear all the form of Pankaj. Pankaj helped Anil and Neeraj by giving the information about the recruitment and its procedure.

 He always encourage them. Anil and Neeraj were defaulter But Manjeet make them into successful.

At the end Anil and Neeraj told that "Fight can't be done on the basis of other.....
You need strength in your hand!!!!.....
Running can't be qualified on the basis of others.......
You need strength in your own knees.

"Sucess is not final , failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"!!!!
"Yesterday is not our to recover , but tomorrow is our to win or lose"......

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Writer: Vishal Thapa
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