Untold Talks


Don’t judge a book by its cover

Its not just a quote but a  best advice. 

But many of us only use to tell it to others not for ourselves. Often we do  judge everyone with his physical appearance. Today is the time, you are only supposed to dress up your self stylish, no matter you have some qualities or not.

The story is also same . There was a boy from a small village, who use to sell milk . He use to travel kms, from home to home  to sell milk. In his family, he only has father ,who means entire  world to him. They were the owner of large land. But they never sold even a small part of it to improve their living standards like others.
One day the boy went to a audi showroom, his friend took him with him there. 

 There the boy saw a girl. She was so beautiful and was wearing a beautiful dress. They was staring at him. The girl got irritated by this. He came to boy and used bitter words to him . He said , “why are u here? Look at your self, I think u mistakenly has come here.  You don’t have the right to stand even here, buying this is like impossible .

The boy ignored her ,and came to another side and started waiting for his friend ,who was inside the showroom.  when his friend came to know about this. He went to girl  and told her whom she was talking. He told her that she was talking to the Indian’s no. One industrialist. He had a flat in Chandigarh ,Canada and many other places. Don’t judge him by his looks. He believes in simple living.”
She felt humiliated, she went to him to say sorry to him. She  asked him why he dress himself like this if he can afford every luxury for himself.

He responded he hates all this show-off. All I am  earning , I use to donate it to poor and needy people in old age homes and orphanages. She was astonished by his those lines.

He said, I have never seen u on and media. Why they not publish your news  in television or newspaper, after all you are doing so much for others.

He smiled and replied, “ I think you didn’t got what I told u before ,I don’t believe in show-off”. His friend told the girl he never allow any media to follow him when he comes out to help the needy and poor.

The girl  was impressed. She said, “ I like your simplicity, and sorry I judged u wrong”. But the boy replied , “ At first I liked u, but u are also like others, I don’t like your attitude.” The girl felt ashamed. They came back to home.

After few days, the condition of the girl became miserable. His father was suffering from cancer, she spent all her money to cure him. And now she had nothing to eat and feed her father.  The boy came to know about it. He came to help him . He took his father to a specialised hospital and spent all the money required for his treatment  from his pocket. After a month , he father started recovering. He came to boy. Seeing her ,he thought she needs money ,he asked her weather his father is ok or not.

She said, “he is all ok, even doctors are saying  he is recovering.” All thanks to u . Then the boy said , “the time when u used to care all about your wearing, and looking if u have focussed on your father and saving money. The situation will not be this.”

Your outer looks doesn’t make u intelligent ,or celebrity, it all about u way of managing situation .
Its well said, “Judging a person does not defines who they are, It defines who you are.”

The moral of the story is , “there is a story behind every person. There is a reason why they are the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone.

Jai hind

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