Untold Talks


PAGE No. 42

If God exists, why is there so much evil in the world?...

"It is a common question, but it is misplaced.... all things must have balanced..,light & dark, good & evil., real & fake...,without one ,the other cannot exist. "So ,if that is true..,then God does nothing to fight evil?

this might be your follow up question.
Ofcourse he fight evils...,Relentlessly..,
but maybe as someone else...,..

As it is well said whenever you are in trouble God will obviously send someone to help you...as a angel..., .....And with me ,there is something like this only...,and my angel was my friend.

We all have a lot of friends..,who says that they can do anything for us....but the reality is known only when a problem knocks your door...

I was born in a small village to a big landlord...and infront of my house was my friend's house.

Although i was born 10 years after my parent's wedding..,the whole family was happy ...,even all villagers were invited to the feast....,and since then, each year on my birthday..,the villagers were called on feast.

I remember it was my seventh birthday and I met my friend...for the first time...,and that day also he came as an angel for me and he saved me from being injured by a showpiece.
And then as time went on...,our friendship grew deeper.

But as soon as i was going to be 21...,a mountain of troubles broke...hidden secret of my life was to be reveled...

Suddenly...,I was getting sluggish and lethargic...,although no symptoms of the disease were detected by the doctors...

Confusion and chaos lifted. The only person who could clear this confusion was my parents...

After asking them.... everthing became as clear as water ..,my mother told me...,that when i was born a priest told her that..,when I turn of 21...,i will die...,and there will be no reason for my death..,no sickness..,nothing......as it was written in my destiny.

Aftet hearing all this... me and my friend ..,along with our families became sad and upset..., as the time of my death is arriving..., but at sudden my friend whispered..., there must be a way to save you.

My mother replied..,the way is impossible.. 
After listening this....,my friend didn't keep up and asked my mother to tell him the way without any delay...

Then the mother said.., the priest had told her how to save her son's life...

but the path is 100 miles away from our village in an old farmhouse that has been closed for decades and that old farmhouse has evil spirits.

The method to cure my son is written in an old magical book PAGE NO. 42..., which is kept in undercroft of the farm. A lot of people have not been able to bring that book till today...as the book has to be brought between 1:00pm to 3:00pm....the time when evil powers are at their extreme...,and before and after that the gate of the farmhouse remain closed ...and no one can open it...

After listening all,my friend said, he will go and bring that book for me..,even without thinking of the risk he is going to face.. 
Even my parents tried hard to make him understood that by doing this he might die..,but still he didn't changed his decision...,without wasting a minute my friend left to go to the old farmhouse.

The first time .....the first look of the old farmhouse was sooo terifying...he tried to enter the gate...,
there was no pearly gate..., he had just entered the gate to hell..., he felt the presence of evil spirits there.., the stench of rotten flesh overwhelmed him.., then there was the voice..., it came from inside and all around ,"WELCOME"....after hearing this he ran from there and came back to the gate...
The second day....he made himself more stronger and entered the farmhouse again putting cotton in his ears...after walking few steps he faced a ghost...,who raised him up and then threw him down....,after few minutes he awoke to a huge insect like creatures looming over his head and screamed his lungs out.....,escaping here and there anyhow he managed to reach that crypt ,where the book was kept....the undercroft was fully filled with spiders web....and at a small distance a shining table...with no dirt was appeared....on which the book was kept...Quickly he picked up the book and ran to came back...,but as soon as he reached the gate...,a lightening from the book..,threw him out the gate and the book went back to its place...

After that the boy thought a lot, why did this happen?...

I brought that book so hard, why would it go back?

But he did not have any answer.....
But to save his friend, he thought of going there again...

The third and last day...the last attempt...,the whole scenario repeated...,when he reached near the book and tried to pick it up ...the scene of last night displayed infront of him...Now he could not understand how to take this book out....after thinking alot he decided to tear the PAGE NO. :- 42 of the magical book and to take it with himself...
Facing alot of difficulties he finally reached out of the farmhouse...

As now the method of saving his friend's life was in his hand he was so excited and in so hurry  to reach back to his village...,even not caring of his own injuries...

Fighting to his death....he came to me and gave that PAGE NO.:- 42 to the priest.
We both were facing the same situation now...but the difference is my life is going to be saved by him and his life was in a doubt...

As soon as i got consious ,i found him laying down taking his last breath...,surrounded by priest and doctors...at that time the only i could feel was self-loathing..., i touched him with my shevering hands...,
but as if he was only waiting for my touch...,it seems as his life has came back...,he smiled and at once everthing was going to recover...
After few days..,he completely recovered from his all injuries....and both started enjoying our life again...

......And like this he became my angel....,but till now he never pretended as..,he have saved my life...,no friend can do this as he did...

And as it is said God is told to one who gives you life.....so for me my friend is my God.... as my friend has given me life....but not every friend is an angel...there are devils too....
And yes i believe....every thing is balanced on this earth...either by God or by his creatures...

Jai hind

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