Untold Talks

This story is of a gentle and helpfull boy...,who always put his hand forward for help.
He always live in himself and does not show any interest in what others are doing...,neither he interfere in matters of others nor he arguee with someone.

As he were pursuing his higher studies..,hecame in a relationship - more clearly love relationship...

As he were very sincere in fulfilling all his responsiblities...,with the same phase he took the responsiblity of his relationship..

As the time passed off...,the relationship was going good and best...but not every relationship lives forever...the boy too losted her beloved...,as his beloved met with an accident and lost her life.also after soo the boy get some conflicts...

The boy was depressed.., and was not able to accept all that happened to him...
But as time heals all the wounds and pain....,after some time the boy accepted the reality and his friend made him understood ....,and help him out to live his life happily again...

After a long time...,the boy managed to get back to his old life ...,enjoying all the fun and spending time with friends..

As it is well said "The world is round"...., the boy again got a kind of attraction towards a girl.., but on the same he too was worried thinking of his past and shared about this with his friend , his friend convinced him that you should give yourself a chance, so one day he dared to ask the girl for being in a relation with him.... and pleasure was the girl agreed and accepted his proposal. They started spending time with each other and...., so one day the boy decided to tell her everthing about his past . As he thought , it's better to tell her everthing before she came to know from somewhere else. And, the day boy told her everthing she didn't reached much and said she is not having problem with her."Nobody knows the heart of anyone..."  After this conversation ,still they were with each other..,the boy committed all his life to fullfill all her dreams,and thought not to hurt her or bring any pain to her...

After few weeks ,the boy had a lil conflict with some of his old-mates,taking this as a reason the girl left him, which again lead the boy in shocks, he didn't said a single word to the girl, but on same he was not able to accept it from heart that the girl could cheat him.

Even his friend told him that no true love can leave his beloved for such silly reason , the matter may be something else... , but the boy was not read to listen a single word against his beloved....,but as its will said that" love is blind", but also it is well noticed "Time reveals all,"....the boy came to know the real reason and real face of the girl....who just left him because of some false reasons and she never asked back that what she is assuming is ever right or she is just having an false assume ....
In last he just came to know the real relationship are those what corrects the mistakes not left on the mistakes If the person left just on some mistakes its never be an true relationship

And at last the boy agreed that he was being Cheated......

Jai hind

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