Untold Talks



"With Ordinary Talent and Extraordinary Perseverance All Things are Attainable"...

The above quote is proven by a boy..,who made his name to shine with his talent of painting and great perseverance...

There lived a boy in a small village who was very fond of painting.Since childhood he used to make paintings..He looks at the simple things around him and molds it into his paintings.As a beginner, his painting was not so perfect but soon he started bringing perfection to his paintings...

He practise all the possible way he could,and now he can make any painting with only one view of it...with his talent..,he won many competitions..,his paintings became popular...
But as Success demands more Struggle......a turning point cames in the boys life which destroyed all his hopes and made him to think that all his fame would be gone now....
And that tragic incident was that the boy had an accident in which he gave up both his arms..

And now to make a painting..,it is too difficult and a thing near to impossible...as he could not hold anything...

He feel very unpleased to see himself in this condition and he started hating himself..,as he had considered paintings as his life..,but now he could not do it..,he decided to commite suicide....

But then a thought strikes in his mind that he can't let his talent to die...he removed the thought of suicide from his mind and made himself persever to fight this situation..
As his family also had a clear thought that their son's life has now deteriorated..,but the boy has not lost his spirits and stopped listening and talking to others...

On counter...,He started practicing painting with his feets...

One day, when he was practicing with his feet a man saw him and recognized that he is the same boy whose paintings became very famous....he walked towards him and talked to him and tookhim along himself...
He got him admitted to an institute-a type of mercy home...,where the boy prctised for five long years and again became a perfect painter...,but this time he use to make paintings with his feets...

The boy again awaked his talent in a new form and was very happy...
After few days,a competition was organized,in which the great painters of the era was participatings...the boy also expressed his interest to participate in it...

 On the day of competion ...,seeing a boy with no arms..,the rest participant start gossiping and making funn of him...but he remained quite and bothered nothing...

It was a half an hour competition...,as the final bell rang..,everyone was pleased to stop the painting...,many of the painters were standing with their incomplete paintings..,but the boy in the same time..,withhis feets has completed the painting..

The boy was awarded with the first rank and no doubt a masterpiece was painted on that day.....

"Parindoon ko manzil milegi....yakeen unke parr bolte hai....,
Aksar wh logg khamosh rehte hai....jinke hunaar bolte hai"....

And Talent speaks....

Now, the boy with his talent has regained all his fame...
He just stand in front of a mirror and remembered all the events that happened to him.He just smiled and said ...
"I was the one who had lost himself..,but it was my talent thay got me back"...

And someone has rightly said that...when the talent comes out...,it breaks out like a lava from a volcano destroying all the deformities....

Jai hind

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