"GOOD LUCK CHARM", Do we all believe it??... We may or may not be...

Some might call it superstition,but for many it means a lot...

Here is the story of a grandson,who recived a gift of a chain from his grandfather,stating that the chain will help to fulfill all his wishes..

As a child,the grandson was a bit timid,and not have enough courage to do things well all alone.

But as he got a chain from his grandfather, he believed that now he could do everything...and named the chain as "MAGIC CHAIN", that will help him to do all his actions well.

As the time passed,the grandson is now grown up and the grandfather had said him a goodbye forever, but his thinking about the chain remains unchanged..,the mere thought that he could do anything by wearing this chain is settled in his mind forever..

Soon the boy became a hockey player...but,he never appreciated his hardwork aur determination behind it, infact all the credit were given to the magic chain he used to wear all the time.
His father watches him day and night,the son was now heavily dependent on the chain and father was concerned about him..

One day, the guy was having a great match of hockey but he forget to wear the chain and he could not perform well.., as the thought of not wearing chain was roaming in his mind,and lost the match that day...

On the next day, with the same opponent...he wore the chain and played ...unsurly he won the match...and he defended almost all the goal of the opponent...

As he returns home,his father asked him,"why he couldn't perform like that in yesterday's match, the boy simply replies that he was not wearing the magic chain yesterday...,and all he did today was only due to the magic chain, this chain really holds the magic..and laughed..
Hearing such a excuse the father with all his warth replied him that all the loss he made yesterday was only due to his lack of attention in the he was thinking of not wearing the chain during match....
And today whatever happended is only due to his hardwork..

Father said," Might be this chain is a goodluck charm for you,but the success you got till now is not only due to this chain..,but is only because of your hardwork and determinations..
As if neither the chain has played any match for you nor has it done any hardwork to get you here,its only a kind of superstitious belief that you have settled in your mind."

After hearing all, the boy realized that he was thinking worng....and stopped his superstitious belief on the chain.

From now, he only sees the chain as his grandfather's final gift and begin to believe himself..

After that there is nothing that he wears or do not wear the chain..,he just give all efforts in his matches and  made a great career..

At last i just wanna say "Believing something is good...

But making that something to question your potential or ability is not soo good"...

"Believe yourself, work hard ...because..
Hardword matters a lot than a superstitious belief".

Jai hind

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