Untold Talks

This is a short and imagination based story about man who dream to play for Indian Cricket Team. Man who died at last by watching match. 

"The Dream"
   Written by Bakshi
Editing: Shelli, Thapa

The story about orphan man
who  is very passionate and wants
 to play for indian cricket team.

He eae for his own livelihood and
is passionate to play cricket for India.
After some time he get married,
but still he was struggling for his
success but still he was not get selected.
After some time causality occurrs in
his life and his leg get fractured.
Due to this accident he was not able
to walk properly. so he wouldn't get
selected in Indian cricket team.

And he slowly get depressed and hopeless
that he can't able to do anything and,
after some duration of time he start
working in a mile. Unfortunately his
wife died because of some kind of disease.
He became more hopeless and depressed
after his wife death . Then he become alone
with his son. something good happen in
his life. A boy who has a great interest
in cricket came to a man and request
him to be a mentor and trained him for
cricket. Because he also have same
passion and craz to be a cricketer.
Than man get extremely happy
after heard this and he think .....
I can't be a cricketer and make my dream.
but through this boy he can fullfil his
dream and he start training him ....
day by day the boy's game was improving...
He got each and every techniques....
the boy was selected in a Ranji Team ....
As we know that if a person get success
they become more egoistic ....
so this was also happen the boy started
ignoring his mentor.... his mentor was
very upset by his ignorance and
suddenly his younger son came and
ask : what happen? Why are you so sad?
His father told him about that boy...
and after he heard the story...
His son decided that he want to
become a cricketer and make his
father proud. But his father refuse
and said : No!!! You will not able to do this...
but his son forced him and said : not to be afraid
.....am with you i'll make your dream
True with my success.... after listening
his big word by his younger son he
become happy .....and day by day his
hardwork made  his son a best player...
and one day his father got his son's letter
that he was selected by indian cricket board, 
finally one day he saw his son wearing
a T-shirt of Indian Team which made him
more proud. His son was the best player
in the whole match ...after watching the
whole match and performance of his son
make his eye fill of water ....
The Man who awaited his whole life
And finally saw his dream come true
suddenly died on same chair with a
smile on his face, water in his eyes. 

Finally moral came that...
This is not compulsory that your dream
was completed by your own ...
its can be completed by your son....
or anyone else ...
The man in the story have great passion
for cricket & wanted to be a cricketer
but he can't, because of the bad incidents
that happened in his life, but still he have
that believe and faith in his dream...
Success is not final;
Failure is not fatal:
"It is the courage to continue that counts."
Success usually comes to those who
are too busy to be looking for it."
like the man has. 

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~Jai Hind~

Untold talks
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Writer: Vishal Thapa
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